Waring Engineering Limited is dedicated to supporting all users by continually striving
to improve the accessibility of this site and whilst we endeavour to adhere to government
standards we accept that some accessibility issues still exist within the site.
We hope you can be patient with us whilst we amend any issues and if you do discover
some accessibility problems please let us know by emailing:
You may discover some difficulties when using assistive devices for some of the
forms on this site and we are working to overcome these currently. Once again if
you do discover some accessibility issues please let us know by emailing: info@waringengineering.co.uk.
Documents contained within the website are in the Adobe Acrobat® Portable Document
Format (PDF). You can obtain tools and information to increase the accessibility
of PDF documents from the Adobe website.
If there are specific areas of the site you are finding difficult to access and
would like our help, please let us know the details of the difficulty and your telephone
number in an email to info@waringengineering.co.uk.
Please tell us what device you are accessing the site with and any visual or hearing
impairment you may have so we can contact you in the appropriate way.
Many thanks,
Waring Engineering Limited